# Configuration file integrationforegoing { integrations { B:actuallyAdditions=true B:ae2=true B:agriCraft=true B:astralSorcery=true B:bewitchment=true B:biomesoPlenty=true B:botania=true B:cyclic=true B:enderIO=true B:evilcraft=true B:exNihiloCreatio=true B:extraUtils2=true B:forestry=true B:harvestCraft=true B:immersiveEngineering=true B:immersivePetroleum=true B:matterOverdrive=true B:mysticalAgradditions=true B:mysticalAgriculture=true B:natura=true B:nuclearCraft=true B:oreShrubs=true B:oreberries=true B:randomThings=true B:rftools=true B:rustic=true B:silentsGems=true B:simpleCorn=true B:tconstruct=true B:thaumcraft=true B:thermalFoundation=true } misc { thermalfoundation { # This number determines the teleportation range for drinking Resonant Ender. # Range calculation method: # Player's X / Z position - (this number clamped between 8 and 65536) + (this number clamped between 8 and 65536) * 2 # Min: 64 # Max: 65536 I:strawEnderRange=16384 } immersiveengineering { # If true, both top and bottom blocks of Industrial Hemp gets harvested by the Plant Recollector. # Set to false if you only want the top block to be harvested. B:hempHarvestBothBlocks=false gardencloche { # If true, allows Fertilizer from Industrial Foregoing to be used in Garden Cloche. B:allowFertilizer=true # Set the growth multiplier for Fertilizer from Industrial Foregoing in Garden Cloche. D:fertilizerGrowthMultiplier=1.5 } } natura { # If true, replant is needed for Natura crops, otherwise Plant Gatherer won't remove the crops. B:naturaCropsReplant=false } rustic { # If true, replant is needed for Rustic herbs, otherwise Plant Gatherer won't remove the herbs. B:rusticHerbsReplant=false } randomthings { # If true, replant is needed for Random Things lotus crops, otherwise Plant Gatherer won't remove the crops. B:randomThingsLotusReplant=false } } }