note /
Jonathan on 7 Mar 2017 1 KB Minor fix.
### Installation
Run this command in your terminal to install note to your path.
`sudo ./note-install`

### Usage
   `note [--setfile <filepath>] [--less|--vi|--gedit|--help|--author|--version]`

### Commands
   `--setfile:`           Set new temporary location of file

   `--less`               Show contents using "less"

   `--vi`                 Edit contents using "vi"

   `--gedit`              Edit contents using "gedit"

   `--location`           Show file location

   `--help`               Show this help message

   `--author`             Show the author

   `--version`            Show current version

### Examples
   `note [leave empty or a command]`

   Just like --setfile, but default value '$filename'.

   `note This is a message that will be added to the notefile with date.`

   You can create notes that are one line by directly typing it after note.

   `note --setfile <filepath> [leave empty or a command]`

   Will open note just as before, but using <filepath> instead.

### Commands

`:q` - exit the program

`:exit` - exit the program

`:less` - will show the notefile with the `less` command.