h2i is an interactive HTTP/2 ("h2") console debugger. Miss the good ol' days of telnetting to your HTTP/1.n servers? We're bringing you back.
Not yet features, but soon:
$ go get golang.org/x/net/http2/h2i $ h2i <host>
$ h2i Usage: h2i <hostname> -insecure Whether to skip TLS cert validation -nextproto string Comma-separated list of NPN/ALPN protocol names to negotiate. (default "h2,h2-14") $ h2i google.com Connecting to google.com:443 ... Connected to Negotiated protocol "h2-14" [FrameHeader SETTINGS len=18] [MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = 100] [INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE = 1048576] [MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 16384] [FrameHeader WINDOW_UPDATE len=4] Window-Increment = 983041 h2i> PING h2iSayHI [FrameHeader PING flags=ACK len=8] Data = "h2iSayHI" h2i> headers (as HTTP/1.1)> GET / HTTP/1.1 (as HTTP/1.1)> Host: ip.appspot.com (as HTTP/1.1)> User-Agent: h2i/brad-n-blake (as HTTP/1.1)> Opening Stream-ID 1: :authority = ip.appspot.com :method = GET :path = / :scheme = https user-agent = h2i/brad-n-blake [FrameHeader HEADERS flags=END_HEADERS stream=1 len=77] :status = "200" alternate-protocol = "443:quic,p=1" content-length = "15" content-type = "text/html" date = "Fri, 01 May 2015 23:06:56 GMT" server = "Google Frontend" [FrameHeader DATA flags=END_STREAM stream=1 len=15] "\n" [FrameHeader PING len=8] Data = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" h2i> ping [FrameHeader PING flags=ACK len=8] Data = "h2i_ping" h2i> ping [FrameHeader PING flags=ACK len=8] Data = "h2i_ping" h2i> ping [FrameHeader GOAWAY len=22] Last-Stream-ID = 1; Error-Code = PROTOCOL_ERROR (1) ReadFrame: EOF
Quick few hour hack. So much yet to do. Feel free to file issues for bugs or wishlist items, but @bmizerany and I aren't yet accepting pull requests until things settle down.