pokemon-go-trade / vendor / / gocarina / gocsv / unmarshaller.go
package gocsv

import (

// Unmarshaller is a CSV to struct unmarshaller.
type Unmarshaller struct {
	reader                 *csv.Reader
	headerMap              map[int]string
	fieldInfoMap           map[int]*fieldInfo
	MismatchedHeaders      []string
	MismatchedStructFields []string
	outType                reflect.Type

// NewUnmarshaller creates an unmarshaller from a csv.Reader and a struct.
func NewUnmarshaller(reader *csv.Reader, out interface{}) (*Unmarshaller, error) {
	headers, err := reader.Read()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	um := &Unmarshaller{reader: reader, outType: reflect.TypeOf(out)}
	err = validate(um, out, headers)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return um, nil

// Read returns an interface{} whose runtime type is the same as the struct that
// was used to create the Unmarshaller.
func (um *Unmarshaller) Read() (interface{}, error) {
	row, err := um.reader.Read()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return um.unmarshalRow(row, nil)

// The same as Read(), but returns a map of the columns that didn't match a field in the struct
func (um *Unmarshaller) ReadUnmatched() (interface{}, map[string]string, error) {
	row, err := um.reader.Read()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	unmatched := make(map[string]string)
	value, err := um.unmarshalRow(row, unmatched)
	return value, unmatched, err

// validate ensures that a struct was used to create the Unmarshaller, and validates
// CSV headers against the CSV tags in the struct.
func validate(um *Unmarshaller, s interface{}, headers []string) error {
	concreteType := reflect.TypeOf(s)
	if concreteType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		concreteType = concreteType.Elem()
	if err := ensureOutInnerType(concreteType); err != nil {
		return err
	structInfo := getStructInfo(concreteType) // Get struct info to get CSV annotations.
	if len(structInfo.Fields) == 0 {
		return errors.New("no csv struct tags found")
	csvHeaders := make(map[int]string)                                   // Map of columm index to header name
	csvHeadersLabels := make(map[int]*fieldInfo, len(structInfo.Fields)) // Used to store the corresponding header <-> position in CSV
	headerCount := map[string]int{}
	for i, csvColumnHeader := range headers {
		csvHeaders[i] = csvColumnHeader
		curHeaderCount := headerCount[csvColumnHeader]
		if fieldInfo := getCSVFieldPosition(csvColumnHeader, structInfo, curHeaderCount); fieldInfo != nil {
			csvHeadersLabels[i] = fieldInfo
			if ShouldAlignDuplicateHeadersWithStructFieldOrder {
				headerCount[csvColumnHeader] = curHeaderCount
	if err := maybeDoubleHeaderNames(headers); err != nil {
		return err

	um.headerMap = csvHeaders
	um.fieldInfoMap = csvHeadersLabels
	um.MismatchedHeaders = mismatchHeaderFields(structInfo.Fields, headers)
	um.MismatchedStructFields = mismatchStructFields(structInfo.Fields, headers)
	return nil

// unmarshalRow converts a CSV row to a struct, based on CSV struct tags.
// If unmatched is non nil, it is populated with any columns that don't map to a struct field
func (um *Unmarshaller) unmarshalRow(row []string, unmatched map[string]string) (interface{}, error) {
	isPointer := false
	concreteOutType := um.outType
	if um.outType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		isPointer = true
		concreteOutType = concreteOutType.Elem()
	outValue := createNewOutInner(isPointer, concreteOutType)
	for j, csvColumnContent := range row {
		if fieldInfo, ok := um.fieldInfoMap[j]; ok {
			if err := setInnerField(&outValue, isPointer, fieldInfo.IndexChain, csvColumnContent, fieldInfo.omitEmpty); err != nil { // Set field of struct
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot assign field at %v to %s through index chain %v: %v", j, outValue.Type(), fieldInfo.IndexChain, err)
		} else if unmatched != nil {
			unmatched[um.headerMap[j]] = csvColumnContent
	return outValue.Interface(), nil