package jonathan.balljumper.classes; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Random; import jonathan.balljumper.GameSurfaceView; /** * Created by Jonathan on 29/07/2017. */ public class PanelHandler { private final int panelFirstPosition = 1500; // Y-position (pixel) of the first panel. private final float panelSpeed; // The normal panel speed. private final Random random; private final Panel[] panelList; private int lastPanelIndex = -1; public PanelHandler(int panelCount, int panelWidth, int panelHeight, float panelSpeed) { this.panelSpeed = panelSpeed; // Initialize all panels. panelList = new Panel[panelCount]; random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < panelList.length; ++i) { panelList[i] = new Panel( random.nextInt(GameSurfaceView.getScreenSize().x - panelWidth), getNewPanelHeight(lastPanelIndex), panelWidth, panelHeight, Color.GRAY, panelSpeed ); lastPanelIndex = i; } } private void resetPanel(int index) { panelList[index].setY(getNewPanelHeight(lastPanelIndex)); lastPanelIndex = index; } private final float getNewPanelHeight(int index) { float newPanelHeight; if (index == -1) { newPanelHeight = panelFirstPosition; } else { float diff = (random.nextInt(GameSurfaceView.getScreenSize().y / 5) + 235); newPanelHeight = panelList[index].getY() - diff; } return newPanelHeight; } public void resetAllPanels() { lastPanelIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < panelList.length; ++i) { panelList[i].setX(random.nextInt(GameSurfaceView.getScreenSize().x - (int)panelList[i].getWidth())); panelList[i].setY(getNewPanelHeight(lastPanelIndex)); } } public final void draw(Canvas canvas) { for (Panel panel : panelList) { Paint pPanel = new Paint(); pPanel.setColor(panel.getColor()); canvas.drawRect(panel.getX(), panel.getY(), panel.getWidth() + panel.getX(), panel.getHeight() + panel.getY(), pPanel); } } /** * Move the panel. * @param index The panel index to move. */ public void move(int index) { move(index, panelList[index].getSpeed()); } /** * * @param index The panel index to move. * @param speed The speed to move the panel. */ public void move(int index, float speed) { // If a panel is outside of the screen reset it at the top. if (panelList[index].getY() + speed > GameSurfaceView.getScreenSize().y) { resetPanel(index); } else { // Move the panel down. panelList[index].setY(panelList[index].getY() + speed); } } public final Panel[] getPanelList() { return this.panelList; } public final float getPanelSpeed() { return this.panelSpeed; } }